👋 Welcome to NYU IMA Physical Computing | Spring 2024 IMNY-UT 245 001!

Instructor: Cody Chu ([email protected])


Professor Office Hours Signup Link

**ITP Staff Office Hours Signup Link (smart people who can help you out)**

4 Graded Assignment Categories

Homework + Participation 30% | Group Projects 20% | Midterm Project 25% | Final Project 30%

5% bonus for showing effort in participation and homework

Course Description

Physical computing is the foundation of creating digital interactions. This class is an introduction to the art of creating digital interactions and will guide you to understand how to ideate, design, build, and present one of your first interactive digital art pieces. You will learn the foundations of Arduino, c++, systems design, physical prototyping, and presentation. In this class you will have the opportunity to interact with industry professionals and receive feedback from professionals about your projects. Use this class to develop a personal portfolio piece.


A project blog will be utilized to track your progress in this class. I will go through the process with you in class to create a Notion account and link it to the classes teamspace. This blog will be used to document your progress so you can tell your story about your final project and your learning process. Do your best to keep the contents organized and beautiful so you can use it in the future. If you wish to keep the contents of your work private please discuss with me after class or send me an email so we can plan for options.


Readings will be assigned weekly to facilitate class discussion and topics. It is essential to follow up on the reading list as it is a core part of the course experience and you will not understand large concepts if you do not follow up on the assigned readings. Readings will help you from having meaningful discussion and also build your foundation on ethics, trends, and insight into the realm of physical computing. There will be in-class time to go over the readings and your participation will be reflected in your participation grade.